Food Sovereignty: A Conversation with Sean "The Sioux Chef" Sherman, Amyrose Foll, and Desiree Shelley Flores

2023 SEP 14
Thursday, Sep 14, 2023, 05:30pm - Thursday, Sep 14, 2023, 08:00pm
Brick Cellar (946 Grady Ave., Charlottesville VA)

When UVA removed the George Rogers Clark statue from campus in 2021, representatives from affected Native Nations urged the university to create programs that promoted mutual exchanges of knowledge with Indigenous people. This is the first event in one of those programs. Please share widely with interested students, colleagues, and community members.

On Sept. 14, at 5:30 pm, Sean "The Sioux Chef" Sherman will be in conversation with local food activists Amyrose Foll (Abenaki/Penobscot heritage) of the Virginia Free Farm and Desiree Shelley Flores (Monacan citizen) of the Women's Earth Alliance. After the conversation, there will be a reception catered by Chef Pierre Sober of Pearl Island, featuring a menu designed with the speakers and representatives from Tribal Nations in Virginia. Doors open at 5 pm; on-site parking is free.

The event was planned by Liah Lawson (UVA Native American Student Union), Shaleigh Howells (cultural resource officer of the Pamunkey Nation), Beth Roach (Tribal officer of the Nottoway Nation and UVA Coastal Conservatory), Rufus Elliott (Tribal officer of the Monacan Nation and former Tribal Fellow in Residence at the UVA Equity Center), Claire Payton (UVA Memory Project), Vivian Feggans (UVA Karsh Institute of Democracy), and me (UVA Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese). The flier was designed by Léo Zhang (CLAS 2022). Please tag or credit Léo when you post.

We are grateful for the support of the Page-Barbour Workshop, College of Arts and Sciences, Karsh Institute of Democracy, and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.