Sacred Memories Recalling Garifuna Women Methods of Belonging

2025 MAR 28
Friday, Mar 28, 2025, 12:00pm - Friday, Mar 28, 2025, 10:00pm

In honor of Garifuna Heritage Month (March 11-April 12), join us for a two-day symposium honoring Garifuna intellectual history. Black and Indigenous Feminist Future Institute Post-doctoral-Fellow Dr. Daisy E. Guzman Nuñez aims to create a hemispheric discourse on Garifuna women and memory. With special guests from Livingston (Labuga) and New York City, this Garifuna delegation will address the past, present, and future of Garifuna belonging across the diaspora. Alongside her interlocutors, Dr. Guzman recreates what she calls the Garifuna interior, a space of collective care. Through performance, conversation, and food, they recreate the Garifuna interior as an intergenerational, matrilineal space that calls to the ancestors regardless of borders.

Reserve a spot at Eventbrite!

Performances, Round Table and Reception

Friday, March 28

4:00-8:00 pm

The Commons, Brooks Hall

1702 University Ave.

Evening Symposium and Reception

Saturday, March 29

4:00-10:00 pm

The Jefferson School

233 4th St. NW